1. General information
general and delivery terms and conditions apply for the complete
business relationship with our customers and partners. Opposing general
terms and conditions only become part of the contract if we have
acknowledged them in writing. This acknowledgment is limited to the one
respective transaction. The goods are only supplied as described and in
the respective valid catalogue, leaflet or price list version, packing
units or minimum quantity. The right to technical alterations in the
sense of a technical progress as well as alterations of shape, color
and weight within the scope of reasonability is reserved. Orders for us
are only binding as far as we have confirmed them or delivered the
goods. We are entitled to partial deliveries and partial services. The
prices published in the catalogue, pricelist and latest advertising
refer to the respective issue date of the catalogue or advertising. The
right to price changes after that date is reserved. For already
concluded contracts, a change of the agreed upon prices is excluded.
2. Orders
Orders can only be made by phone or email. There is no minimum order value.
3. Shipping incl. package and posting costs All goods are sent as insured packages. Shipping costs depend on the weight. Shipping costs are waived when the goods are picked up. Shipping abroad requires the additional cost of appropriate postage.
4. Payment & default
Payments must be rendered to the following account:
nanodeck/Bodo Preck
UST-IdNr. DE241232618
Account number: 038 55 35 204
Bank code number: 20010020
Postbank Hamburg
IBAN DE89 20001 0020 0385 5352 04
debtor is in default in accordance with §286 section3 BGB (German Civil
Code), if he or she did not make the outstanding payment within 30 days
after maturity and receipt of an invoice or equivalent payment request.
5. Delivery After
having received the complete payment, delivery is made to the customer
delivery address given on the order/deposit slip. Delivery is made
after the receipt of payment in accordance with 2000 CPT. Delivery
time, depending on the order, may amount to up to 3 weeks. Delivery is
made under the condition that nanodeck itself was supplied correctly
and in time. Nanodeck is not liable, even in case of bindingly
stipulated periods and time limits, for any delay of delivery or
performance due to force majeure or due to events that make it
considerably more difficult or impossible for the seller to deliver.
Such events include considerable operating troubles outside of
nanodeck's control: Strike, lockout, regulatory actions, and production
and supply shortages of the manufacturer, especially due to a
considerably increased demand, even if this increased demand appeared
at the supplier of the seller or his sub-supplier. These events entitle
nanodeck to postpone the delivery or performance by the duration of the
interference plus an appropriate start-up time or to withdraw all or in
part from the contract due to the not yet performed part. If nanodeck
withdraws from the contract due to non-availability of goods, we bind
ourselves to immediately inform the customer about the non-availability
and to return already received customer payments without delay. This
regulation also applies in case of supplementary performances.
6. Right to return/revocation
You have the right to revoke the order within one week starting from the
receipt of the goods. The dispatch of the revocation note in due time shall
suffice for compliance with the time limit. Please send the revocation note to:
Falkengrund 15
25462 Rellingen GERMANY
Phone: +49 (0) 4101/36125
E-mail: pro@nanodeck.de
case of an effective revocation already made payments are refunded
after the receipt of the goods, with the deduction of delivery costs.
The purchaser shall return the goods in their original packing and
unopened, as far as he did not already do so together with the note of
revocation. The purchaser bears the costs for the return.
7. Privacy nanodeck
processes customer data for the performance of requests or orders and
for customer care purposes. The service providers appointed by
nanodeck, within the scope of job management (§ 11 BDSG), receive
customer data only in so far as necessary for the performance of the
services. Each customer is entitled to object to the receipt of product
information by mail or email at any time. Until we have received the
objection the customer agrees to receive product information by mail or
8. Final provisions The
only applicable law to this contract and its performance is that of the
Federal Republic of Germany. Place of jurisdiction is Pinneberg. The
invalidity of individual provision does not affect the validity of the
remaining general and delivery terms and conditions.
Last update: December 2008